中国人民大学 民商法硕士
对外经济贸易大学 英语硕士
Renmin University of China LLM in Civil and Commercial Law
University of International Business and Economics MA in English.
Working Languages
Fluent in Mandarin and English
- 为多位信托投资者提供法律咨询并代理营业信托合同纠纷
- 为多位基金投资者提供法律咨询并代理基金合同纠纷
- 为多位民营企业家提供法律咨询并代理民间借贷纠纷
- 为某国内出口公司提供法律咨询并代理国际货物买卖纠纷(涉外案件)
- 为某美国公司提供法律咨询并代理商标权纠纷(涉外案件)
- 为某文莱公司提供法律咨询并代理国际债权申报(涉外案件)
- 为多家公司、劳动者提供法律咨询并代理劳动争议纠纷(其中包括多个涉外案件)
- 为多位客户提供婚姻家庭法律咨询并代理离婚、探望权、抚养费、继承权等纠纷
- 为多位客户提供法律咨询并代理肖像权、名誉权、生命健康权等侵权纠纷
- 为中国长XX深圳股份有限公司提供法律顾问服务,公司主营业务为计算机软硬件开发和销售
- 为北京皮XX有限公司提供法律顾问服务,公司主营业务为出口贸易
- 为XX国际信息技术有限公司提供常年法律顾问服务,公司的主营业务为进出口贸易
- 为北京迪XX有限公司提供常年法律顾问服务,公司主营业务为教育培训
- 在新华联控股有限公司和新华联矿业有限公司实质合并重整案中,代理债务人
- 在江西五叶东方旅游度假开发有限公司重整案件,代理债权人
- 在北京恒信国通系统科技有限公司破产清算案件,作为管理人
- 在连顺能源有限公司破产清算案件,作为管理人
- 咨询并代表北京百XX有限公司,申请软件著作权及作品著作权
- 咨询并代表北京迪XX有限公司,申请商标注册
- 咨询并代表中国国际XX限公司,申请商标注册
- Advised and represented investors in several trust contract dispute cases
- Advised and represented investors in several fund contract dispute cases
- Advised and represented in many private lending dispute cases
- Advised and represented in several international trading dispute cases
- Advised and represented an American company in IP dispute
- Advised and represented an Brunei company in a contract dispute case
- Advised and represented in several marriage and family dispute cases
- Advised and represented employers or employees in many Labor dispute cases
Corporation and Business Projects
- Provided consultation for China Greatwall Computer Co. Ltd, a listing company on Shenzhen Stock Exchange
- Provided consultation for PMC Beijing Chemical Co., Ltd, a multinational company that manufactures and exports chemical products
- Provided consultation for Panda International Co. Ltd, an exporting company
- Provided consultation for Dige Education, an education and book retail company
- Advised and Represented the debtor in the consolidated reorganization case of Macrolink Holding Co., Ltd. and Macrolink Mining Co., Ltd
- Advised and Represented a creditor in the reorganization case of Jiangxi Wuye Oriental Tourism Resort Development Co., Ltd
- Be appointed as administrator in the bankruptcy case of Bejing Hengxin Guotong Co., Ltd
Intellectual Property Projects
- Advised and represented Better Education Co. Ltd, a language training company, to apply for software and other copyrights
- Advised and Represented Dige Education Co. Ltd, an education and book retail company, to apply for software and other copyrights
- Represented China International Energy Co. Ltd, a petroleum and gas company, to apply for trademarks