官方咨询热线:4001-666-001 国际业务免费咨询电话:010-50959845


律师 北京总部
  • 执业年限:
  • 所在律所:北京市京师律师事务所
  • 执业证号:11101202210411644
  • E-Mail:guozhenhui@jingsh.com
  • 所在地:北京总部
  • 商标、著作权、合同纠纷、国际贸易、涉外民商事纠纷
Steven (Guo Zhenhui) is a practicing lawyer with extensive experiences in Intellectual Property and Commercial Litigation. He can communicate with the clients efficiently, learning their company strategy and giving a comprehend suggestions on trademark application, opposition, appeal of refusal, non-use cancellation, invalidation, and administrative lawsuit, etc. He is also good at copyright registration, customs protection of IP and enforcement of IP rights.Steven also has extensive work experience in enterprises for import and export and can institute litigation strategery on the basis of the client’s commercial purpose so as to maximize the client’s benefits.
  1. Handling a great number of trademark infringement cases in different cities of China on behalf of many foreign brand owners, such as, NEW BALANCE, COLUMBIA, PRADA, CHANEL, Fox Head and VANS, etc.;
  2. Handlinga trademark infringement case on behalf of a US knife company;
  3. Handlinga copyright infringement case against a Shenzhen company on behalf of a US leading supplier of Ethernet and InfiniBand intelligent interconnect solutions and services;
  4. Assisting a US musical instrument company to clear away the prior marks squatted by its former commercial partner in China and obtain registration of the client’s own marks by the proceedings of trademark opposition, non-use cancellations, invalidation, appeal of refusal and administrative lawsuits, etc.;
  5. File trademark opposition, non-use cancellations, invalidation, appeal of refusal, administrative lawsuits to obtain registration of the key trademarks on behalf of a US snowboard company;
  6. Applications for Copyright registration with the China National Copyright Center on behalf of some US companies, including a decorative window films company, an electronic cigarettes supplier and a knife company, etc.;
  7. Trademark applications with the CNIPA on behalf of a US company organizing the sport stacking and selling related goods.
  8. Customs recordal of IP rights with the GAC on behalf of some US companies;
  9. Handling a civil lawsuit against an insurance company regarding insurance contracts disputes on behalf of a Chinese American;
  10. Handling a design patents infringements case against a Zhenjiang company on behalf of a UK camping supplies company;
  11. Handling an international trade contract dispute between a Shanghai company and a Brazil company regarding aluminum composite panel on behalf of the Brazil company;
  12. Handling an international trade contract dispute between a Zhenjiangcompany and a Portuguese company regarding masks on behalf of the Portuguese company.
