官方咨询热线:4001-666-001 国际业务免费咨询电话:010-50959845


律师 深圳
  • 执业年限:
  • 所在律所:深圳京师律师事务所
  • 执业证号:
  • E-Mail:zhaobaolian@jingsh.com
  • 所在地:深圳
  • 公司常年法律顾问

Lylian Zhao
Director of Import and Export Legal Affairs Department of Beijing Jingsh (Shenzhen) Law Firm, Master of Laws

      Worked in a large state-owned enterprise for 13 years and was assigned to an Australian investment subsidiary as a supervisor for five years; then worked in a foreign subsidiary for seven years. She is very familiar with local and foreign company practices, especially import and export trade processes, and has accumulated rich experience in communicating with foreign customers. At present, Director Zhao's main practice direction is foreign-related commercial litigation and arbitration, foreign investment and domestic enterprises' foreign investment legal affairs, along with foreign trade legal support.

Represented a number of Amazon cross-border e-commerce companies in Shenzhen, negotiating and reconciling a series of cases with foreign lawyers due to product infringement of intellectual property rights or trademark rights in North America and Europe;
Participated in the establishment of a Chinese foreign-funded subsidiary of the Australian parent company, which is a large-scale multinational coal machinery company. Responsible for designing the business operation structure and  the creation of all necessary legal documents such as the company's articles of association;
代表加拿大公司医疗器械公司,因专利产品加工承揽合同纠纷起诉国内深圳某公司;Represented a Canadian company medical device company in a lawsuit against a domestic Shenzhen company over a patented product subcontract dispute;
代表深圳工作的多位外籍个人,因劳动合同争议向深圳某培训机构提起劳动仲裁;Represented multiple foreign individuals working in China, filed labor arbitration with training institutions in Shenzhen due to labor contract disputes;
Represented  a Spanish national stadium construction supplier to prosecute a Shenzhen company  due to quality disputes arising from the purchase of substandard products on the Alibaba platform;
为深圳某电子行业公司寻找伊朗律师,因货物买卖合同纠纷在伊朗德黑兰提起诉讼; Search & recruitment of an Iranian lawyer for an electronics company in Shenzhen to file a lawsuit in Tehran, Iran  in a sale of goods contract dispute. 
